Hi, I am
As a PostDoc at the Institute for Digital Economics
and a member of the Human Centered Artificial Intelligence (HCAI)
working group, I conduct research on how humans react to AI & automated decision-making systems. As a service to the profession, I refereed for Journals such as the Journal of Economic Psychology, Decision Analysis,
HCII Late Breaking Papers Springer LNCS, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, and the Journal of Behavioral and
Experimental Economics.
As a speaker at scientific conferences and business events, I spoke for example at the HCI International 2021 and the Google Responsible AI Group and actively participate in committees and workshops such as the "Fachaustausch Vertrauenswürdige KI ‘Made in Germany‘ des Bundesministeriums für Digitales und Verkehr (BMDV)" or the "Interactions of Humans and Algorithms" Workshop 2023 at TU Berlin. As a member of the FOCUS.ICT Task Force Normungsroadmap, I am also actively involved in AI standardization efforts.
As a lecturer at the
Hamburg University of Technology and the
International School of Management (ISM), I teach lectures and seminars
in 'Applied Game Theory', 'Behavioral Online Experiments', 'Digital Value Creation', 'Ethics in Information Technology' and 'Economics of Information Capitalism'.
As a member of the European AI Alliance
and the DIN Expertenkreis KI-Normung und -Konformität,
I work as an ambassador to transfer scientific results into norms and standards.
As a fellow at ForHumanity, a task force leader at the
KI-Bundesverband, and a mentor in the All Tech Is Human - Responsible Tech
mentorship program, I work towards developing an #infrastructureoftrust for AI.
As the founder of the AI ecosystem consultancy AlgoTrust, I support companies in establishing processes that ensure an
ethical, sustainable & innovative development & use of AI.
As a jury member of the Digital Future Challenge 4, I evaluated different proposals for AI use-cases for society, corporates and the public sector.
In a video for Joachim Herz Stiftung, I talk about my work as a behaivoral scientist on the positive and negative effects of AI on work and society.
In our article in REthinking Law 6/2022, Dr. Barbara Bushart and I discuss the role of the human when using AI and the impact of the EU AI-Act.
As a member of the expert group, I worked on the 2nd edition of the AI standardization roadmap by the German Institute for Standardization (DIN).
In Fuzzy Quality, an AI-podcast hosted by Adam Smith, I talk about the complex relationship between human behaviour and new technologies, causation versus correlation, and grounding theory.
In an interview with the TU Munich I describe how my curiosity about different perspectives and joy in getting to know other thought processes has driven my career.
In the Google Academy on Air Ads Expert masterclass I explain how to use experiments to measure the effect of YouTube, Display, and App advertisement.
In the Keynote Lecture at the Women of TUM network event I outline how computers and machines shape our lives and the challenges we face in human-machine interactions.